About Us

Acupuncture operates on the principle that the body possesses innate healing capabilities, and by stimulating specific points along energy pathways known as meridians, balance and harmony can be restored.

We are an acupuncture clinic located in Victoria, in the heart of central London and only a few minutes from Buckingham Palace.

With almost a decade of experience, we offer treatment for a range of conditions. However, we believe that as every patient is different, treatments must be tailored to each and every individual.

As such, we customise remedies to your background, lifestyle, body's responses and your specific wellness goals, and empower you to get engaged in the decision making process at every stage of the process.

Katerina Burianek

Katerina is a fully qualified Acupuncturist, who graduated from the Acumedic clinic with a special commendation diploma, and who gained her first post-graduate diploma in 2014.

Since then, she has been practicing complementary medicine in clinics around London, and has ran a busy international clinic.

Her main specialism is pain management, whereby, with the use of therapeutic needles, she can target pressure points distant to the site of pain, offering instant relief in many cases

Additionally, she is proficient is in offering remedial therapies for skin conditions, digestive disorders, migraines, period pains, breathlessness, urinary tract infections and high blood pressure.

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